Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Feminists are Evolving but not in a Nice Way ...

Feminists are gradually changing into men (but not into nice men)!

It's true. Look more closely at those feminists (repeat feminists, we're not talking about normal women here). Since they began apeing men they have gradually been evolving into men, physically and mentally, but (predictably) they are evolving into men of the worst kind. When they began to try to act like men their bodies started making manly hormones in increasing quantities. However hard they try (and they are trying) feminists are finding that they cannot overcome Nature's scheme of things.

Take just one of the secondary physical characteristics: Hair growth. Haven't you noticed how hairy feminists are becoming? They are apparently having to shave increasingly often to stem their growth of bodily hair.

It's usually most noticeable over the upper lip. Look at those 'glamourous' movie stars. Look at those feminist actresses in the films or on TV. See their '7 o'clock shadow', something that even the most adept makeup or airbrushing artist can't conceal.

Of course no feminist could ever bring herself to acknowledge any of this. She would much rather be found dead face-down in a ditch. Such is her vanity, her narcissistic nature.